Kaveling land is several plots of land in one area that are deliberately done to break the certificate, both by individuals and business entities as legitimate owners of the area.

The origin of the solution comes from the parent certificate of the merger or one ordinary parent certificate. In many ways there is also soil cardveling that comes from the breakdown of soil that is not certified.

There is no difference in buying kaveling land in one area by buying ordinary kaveling land that is field by field owned by the population in general. Likewise, the terms and conditions of buying and selling are also the same as the terms of land buying and selling transactions in general. As long as it involves legal subjects (sellers and buyers) who are legitimate, the land object is legal for sale and the mechanism of buying and selling in accordance with the provisions of the law. Therefore, the sale and purchase of the land is considered valid.

 There are several things to consider before you buy kaveling land. Here's what to watch out for:

1. Check The Evidence of Land Ownership

If the kaveling land field is a fraction of one or more land certificates, it must be considered whether the land certificate is still in the form of Building Use Rights (HGB) or Certificate of Property Rights (SHM). If it is still a Right to Build (HGB), ask the developer or seller, when the expiration of the right to build and who will bear the cost of increasing the right to a Certificate of Property Rights (SHM).

For kaveling soil whose solution comes from girik soil, you should as a buyer pay attention to some of the following tips:

a. Make sure that the girik used is genuine. This is intended so that we can get the status of girik land that is guaranteed. Thus the next time we want to change its status to SHM, there will be no obstacles that stand in the way of it.

b. Ask the seller to show you the book for the UN payment he made.

c. One of the references to find out whether the girik used is genuine or not, we can ask for proof of the UN payment made on the land. To be sure, ask for evidence from a few years ago. 

d. Ask for additional certificates from the sales and local government officials (village or kecamatn). Additional certificates that mean, among others: 


- A certificate explaining that the girik land is not in a loan or dispute, which is signed by the village or the local village head.

- A certificate about the history of the land from the Village Head or Subdistrict about who the landowner was before until now.

-. A certificate that the land is not in a state of sale to any party.

 2. Check Kaveling Land Boundary

It could be that the land limit described by the seller turns out to be different from what is written on the certificate. As buyers we should look directly at the image of the land boundary that is on the certificate. It will be a problem if it turns out that the land limit written on the certificate is different from that described by the seller.

3. Find Out the Origin of the Land

Do not buy land kaveling former cemetery, former trash cans, houses of worship because feng shui is not good. Good soil is a former garden or rice field. If the area of the land has been razed, you can find information in the village or sub-district.

 4. Road Access

Check the road access.  This is because road access has always been a necessity wherever kaveling land will be purchased. Choose a road access that can be crossed by two cars left right.

5. Environmental Development

You have to be smart to see the development of the surrounding environment, especially the right left that will be a neighbor later. There is a quick kaveling, but it is not built by the owner. Don't let you build but the left right is empty for a long time. Moreover, the distance is very far, your house looks secluded alone.

 6. Anticipate Danger Around

Avoid buying kaveling land near high voltage power lines, gas pipelines, railroads, airport areas, and river banks. Anticipation is also displaced by the construction of public facilities.

The advantage of buying kaveling land is that in one area the seller has designed the site plan of the area neatly and organized. Sellers also build neighborhood roads, provide areas of fasum and fasos, and take care of their permits like residential developers. Thus the buyer of kaveling land is facilitated if one day build a house on the land.



