
Showing posts from January 23, 2022


  THE RISK OF BUYING AND SELLING LAND ARISES Embossed soil or growing soil (English: deltaber or channelbar, Dutch: aanslibbing) is the resulting soil of silt sedimentation as a result of river flooding or overflow of water that stops somewhere and settles and then appears into soil or as a result of human-deliberate hoarding to turn an area of water into a land area. Juridically formal understanding of land arises can be seen in the explanation of Article 12 of Government Regulation No. 16 of 2004 on Land Stewardship which states that embossed land is land that is formed naturally or artificially because the deposition process in rivers, lakes, beaches and or islands arises. Against the land arises, in general, people assume that people who work or strive so that the embossed soil can be like soil in general, by hoarding or planting it with several types of plants that can accelerate the growth of soil layers arise then the person who has the right to control the land arises. In g...


 RISKS OF BUYING AND SELLING VILLAGE CASH LAND   The land of village cash or in some areas on the island of Java is called crooked land or the land of reward. Village cash land is a field of land directed by a village that is intended for the welfare of the village apparatus considering that in doing its work as a village apparatus does not get a salary. Because they do not get salaries / wages, these village officials are given arable land that can be utilized economically and taken the results during their time in office. Legally, arrangements regarding crooked land can be found in the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 4 of 2007 on Village Wealth Management Guidelines (Permendagri 4/2007). In Article 1 number 10 Permendagri 4/2007 mentioned that the Village Land is the property of the village in the form of crooked land, graves and titisara. So the crooked land is one of the village lands. The village treasury is the wealth of the village and belongs to the village (Ar...


 LETTER C LAND RIGHTS TRANSFER Book C or often referred to as Letter C is a book that is stored by the village apparatus, usually the Village Secretary (sekdes). This book can also be called Pepel. Book C is a book used by tax collectors for the purposes of paying taxes during the Dutch Colonial colonial era. Letter C consists of three documents, namely:  a. Letter C quote, found in the Village office held by Lurah. b. Parent Quote Letter C, located in the Office of Earth and Building Tax Services. c. Girik which is a proof of payment of taxes on land held by the community as a land rights holder. In Letter C at least in some components of the plot of land that are taxed, such as: - Book Number C - Kohir - Persil, Land Class - Land Area - Name of Letter C Owner Because it records about land ownership and land related matters, in general notaries or officers in the Land Office can see who is entitled to land ownership that has not been certified in a village. In other words, le...


 PENGALIHAN HAK TANAH LETTER C Buku C atau yang sering disebut sebagai Letter C adalah buku yang disimpan aparatur desa, biasanya Sekretaris Desa (sekdes). Buku ini bisa juga disebut Pepel. Buku C adalah buku yang digunakan oleh petugas pemungut pajak untuk keperluan pembayaran pajak pada zaman penjajahan Kolonial Belanda. Letter C ini terdiri atas tiga dokumen, yakni :   a. Kutipan Letter C, terdapat di kantor Kelurahan yang dipegang oleh Lurah.  b. Induk Kutipan Letter C, terdapat di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Bumi  dan Bangunan.  c. Girik yang merupakan alat bukti pembayaran pajak atas tanah yang dipegang oleh masyarakat sebagai       pemegang hak atas tanah. Dalam Letter C  setidak tidaknya mencatat beberapa komponen bidang tanah yang dipungut pajaknya, seperti :  - Nomor Buku C  - Kohir  - Persil, Kelas Tanah  - Luasan Tanah  - Nama Pemilik Letter C Oleh karena mencatat tentang kepemilikan tanah berikut hal...