THE RISK OF BUYING AND SELLING LAND ARISES Embossed soil or growing soil (English: deltaber or channelbar, Dutch: aanslibbing) is the resulting soil of silt sedimentation as a result of river flooding or overflow of water that stops somewhere and settles and then appears into soil or as a result of human-deliberate hoarding to turn an area of water into a land area. Juridically formal understanding of land arises can be seen in the explanation of Article 12 of Government Regulation No. 16 of 2004 on Land Stewardship which states that embossed land is land that is formed naturally or artificially because the deposition process in rivers, lakes, beaches and or islands arises. Against the land arises, in general, people assume that people who work or strive so that the embossed soil can be like soil in general, by hoarding or planting it with several types of plants that can accelerate the growth of soil layers arise then the person who has the right to control the land arises. In g...