Is It Legal to Buy and Sell Land & Buildings If the Building Turns Out to Belong to a Third Party?
Is It Legal to Buy and Sell Land & Buildings If the Building Turns Out to Belong to a Third Party? Is It Legal to Buy and Sell Land & Buildings If the Building Turns Out to Belong to a Third Party? Question I would like to ask, in the contract to buy and sell land and buildings where the building is not owned by the landowner, and in the sale and purchase of the building that is stated expressly in this buying and selling contract covers everything contained above and embedded in the land, is this buying and selling legal? What's the legal basis? What is the resolution of the dispute if the party who owns the building sues? Digest of Answers circle with chevron up Full Review Horizontal Base and Land Buying and Selling The transaction of buying and selling land and building objects are goods and prices. Referring to Article 1457 of the Civil Code ("Civil Code"), buying and selling is an agreement with which one party binds himself to hand over an item and the oth...